(Automatic Link Establishment) operations for fun but also for assisting in times of natural or man-made disasters. I have the capability of running this station in the data or voice mode 24/7. HF ALE is a great feature for Ham radio afficianados around the world and is a great tool to help out during disasters. You can see HF ALE operators and stations operating on the web live and real time by visiting Just sign in with callsign (password not required unless you join) click on the "real time" button. On the HF ALE net you can send AMD short messages to individuals or to everyone at once, do short HF email, and of course link up on the best frequencies any time of day/night, season, or sunspot activity. At a glance you can see the MUF between you and just about anywhere in the US or around the world to another station at any given time of day or night. ALE was originally developed for the Military but now we HAM's have it as well. I personally use MOBAT MICOM radio equipment but you can also find Harris, Barrett and CODAN equipment out there to purchase. If you don't have a Military or Para-Military radio you can download PC ALE software for your computer and use it to run the program with your standard Ham radio equipment.