Syncal 2000 display project, part 16 final

I wrapped up the radio for the time being.  It’s not internally 100% the way I’d like it but I need some time to work with it before I consider the firmware truly final.

A few notes:
1)  I traced out the radio LCD backlight wiring.  There are four LEDs in series with the high side connected to 10 volts and the low going through a transistor and resistor.  I had previously found that 1k in series was nice for general LCD lighting and full 5 volts for high brightness.  I tied the new display positive backlight to +5 and the negative to the collector of that transistor.  I put a 1k resistor across the transistor and shorted out the 220 ohm resistor.  Here is what that mod looks like:

Yes, that’s a really tiny resistor I used!

2) The flex cable to the front processor board is not very robust.  Earlier I lost the ability to turn the radio on and found that the pin 40 to pin 40 connection was lost in the cable.  Now the 3 bars started going intermittent and I traced it to the loss of connection in pin 39.  Here is my fix:

About the only choice seeing as the part is unobtainium.  But it works great.

3)  The new LCD display annoyingly requires a negative ~1.66 volts for bias to work.  More annoyingly there is no negative supply I could find in the radio so I had to make a small 555 based charge pump.  I would prefer to use a tiny SO-8 part to do this, one meant for the purpose, but that will have to wait until I have enough to order from Digikey to have a reasonable size order.  In the meanwhile I stuffed it here:

Left of that are three precision resistors which make the voltage divider for the voltage display I added.  When I go back in I will tack glue three SM resistors on the other side to eliminate this eyesore.  Here is where the sense wire ends up connecting to the CPU board pin 39:

I didn’t take a photo of it but have the 6 wires from the Arduino going to a tiny connector which is between the boards.  I can connect my code development computer to it if I want to update the code without having to disassemble the whole thing.

I took a video but it is too large for this site so I placed it on my site at the following address:

Note that when the display goes to the bright setting the iPhone camera can’t handle it and washes out.  It’s pretty bright, gotta love these new high efficiency LEDs!

Now I play in the field!