Syncal 2000 display project, part 6

Alright, spent a bunch of hours coding.  As typical of coding, some things went easy, some were worthy of tearing my hair out over.  I finished and tested the LCD driver chip emulation including indexing and loading actual display data to an array.  I also wrote and debugged the subroutine to recognize both number and letter data from the individual 7 segment signals and turn it back into numbers and letters (some is not possible, such as “5” vs “S”).

I finally had enough for the day and called it quits.  I am now able to read out and display the radio frequency and channel like this:


The bottom line is some diagnostic info I no longer need.  This is a big deal!  With all the command and data properly read out, most of the hard part is already behind me now.

One weird thing though, and I have no idea what’s up.  Previous to today, the data receive routine would update on each packet received.  But now, it only runs once.  It runs properly, but only once!  I tried commenting out large sections of code to no avail.  I may have to post my code to Stack Exchange and ask if anyone has encountered this before or has any hints.  I don’t mind posting it since I will open source it to GitHub when I’m done anyway.  I don’t think my rusty coding will be too embarrassing, ha ha.

While attempting to debug this problem I put statements which turned on and off an output pin so I could observe it on a scope.  This also allowed me to time certain sections of code, and I was curious about how fast the C code ran.  It turns out, respectably fast: my command decoder and data retriever, dozens and dozens of instructions, takes a grand total of 62 microseconds to execute.  As for size, with the libraries my code right now stands at about 15% of the available space on the chip.  Not too bad, these parts have pretty decent capability both in speed and size of program you can fit into them.



3 thoughts on “Syncal 2000 display project, part 6

  1. Peter,
    Has it occurred to you that your success in this project will unleash a torrent of requests for help with other troubled Syncal 2000s? Good work!

    1. Van,

      Perhaps! I’ve learned a lot about this radio but the service manual is proving very difficult to find, still trying! After I get this display project done I’m going to see what else I can spot on the I2C control bus. This is what the main processor uses to talk to the synthesizer, receiver, amp, tuner and also uses to get the front panel switch and external control information. I can use the little Arduino board to intercept and send that information to a PC for analysis.

      I’m always glad to help people with information but if they want me to work on their sets I would be hesitant without the tech manual or at least schematics.


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